Follow Moves

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Split-Line Follow Moves
With Go's
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Bottleneck ━ From a rein, angle in on the first go, then adjust straight on the second go, resulting in a tighter rein.

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Circle Split ━ While in one line, riders will split into two circles going opposite directions, then merge back into one line when meeting.
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Fairy Tail ━ From split lines, leads will cut mid and trot towards each other left to left. On go, leads will circle away (completing the circle) then continue onto the dye going away from the other line.
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Diamond ━ While traveling on mid, on the first go leads will split angle, then on the second go will angle back towards each other and merge.

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Heart ━ From a rein or single line, line leads will gradually curve away from each other, then gradually curve inwards making a heart shape and falling back into a rein or merging to one line.
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Horseshoe ━ From a rein or single line, riders split on go and form a circle around each other passing left to left, then return to a rein or merge.

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Revolver ━ Split lines will cut towards each other from opposite walls, with wide-rein spacing, on go leads make a half circle around each other then continue in the direction they came from.
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Rein ━ On go, split lines headed towards each other on the same wall will cut and ride side-by-side about a horse length away from each other.

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Tie ━ While in a rein, on the first go leads will make a big bear away from each other and cross through the other line, on the second go leads will ride a half circle back towards each other leading back into a rein.
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Triangle ━ Both leads dye at corners from the same short wall, riding towards each other. On go, leads back slant to form a rein, riding straight towards the short wall they came from.
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Tier ━ Both leads cut in direction said with their lines following, resulting in a rein.

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Wide Rein ━ Rein, but called sooner resulting in a wider rein. Riders will ride 2 or more horse lengths away from each other.
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Tight Rein ━ Rein, but called later resulting in a tighter rein. Riders will ride a horse width away from each other.

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Split-Line Follow Moves
Without Go's
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Cod ━ Line will waterfall at the wall, then leads point themselves at the last person in line until they reach the end, then pointing towards the corners.

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DNA ━ Post wide waterfall, using the mid and quarter mids, lines will curve in and out of each other- resulting in a shape like DNA.
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Dye Split ━ On mid, riders split towards opposite corners towards the same wall.
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Figure 8 ━ Trade but both lines are headed the same direction (ex: towards C). It will make a figure 8 instead of an S.
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Trade ━ Split lines headed towards each other on opposite walls will half circle off of the E/B letters towards center, passing left to left through mid and continue into another half circle in the opposite direction back onto E/B letters.

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Mid Split ━ While in a single line, odds turn left and evens turn right when hitting the next mid line or centreline at X.
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Peel ━ At mid, odd riders belt in the direction said while even’s continue straight ahead.

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Puzzle ━ At a mid letter, all even’s cut mid following the while odds continue around the outside track. At mid, even’s cut towards the odds to merge.

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Pyramid ━ While split, lines will dye on the same side of the arena going towards each other, pass left to left and cut sharply around mid to follow the shape of the other line onto the opposite dye. This will create a triangle shape.

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Slay ━ From the centreline, riders split at the wall (A/C) on an angle aiming towards long wall mid letters (E/B).

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Slice ━ From the centreline, riders split at the wall (A/C) on an angle aiming towards the closest long wall corner letters (F/K or H/M).

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Waterfall ━ At the wall leads will belt in opposite directions, their lines following.
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Zipper ━ Riders waterfall, but immediately merge back into one line by angling in after passing the last rider in line.

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Single-Line Follow Moves
With Go's
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Circle ━ On go, the lead will create an even circle, then attaching onto the end of their line.

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Follow Curl ━ On go, lead will curl in the direction said. All other riders curl the same way automatically at the same spot the lead did.

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Half Circle ━ On go, lead will cut 90 degrees off of the wall, then gradually curve to create half a circle, then attaching back onto the end of their line.

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Slither ━ On go, the lead will belt in the direction said with their line following. On each following go, the lead will belt in the opposite direction, and continue in this pattern until the commander asks the line to go straight.

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Single-Line Follow Moves
Without Go's
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Circle Mid ━ While on a mid line going toward mid, on go the lead will cut 90 degrees in the direction called, then create an even circle around mid and attach onto the end of their line.
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Double Hill/Peak ━ Starting from a corner letter, ride two hills or peaks, each one between a corner letter and the mid letter along the long wall of the arena.

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Hill ━ Starting from a corner letter, ride a curved line up to mid, and then curve back down to the next corner letter on the same wall. This resembles a half circle ridden off of the wall.

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Peak ━ Starting from a corner letter, ride a straight line to mid, forming a square corner at mid, and then another straight line to the next corner letter on the same wall.
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Short Dye ━ Ride straight from corner to E/B, or E/B to corner. All riders follow the leader.